Artificial Intelligence
It's time to leverage the numerous opportunities that AI provides
Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools can provide unique solutions to customers and increase efficiency at the same time
AI-Powered Solutions
Like it or not, customers will reach out for support. And staffing a call center can be really expensive. While a chatbot may not necessarily be able to replicate a human 100% of the time, we are now at a stage where the machine to human interaction is becoming better and better. So much so, that many people would be surprised how often they are communicating with a computer, instead of a human!
Our team of software developers can build a custom-designed AI powered chatbot solution or implement an off-the-shelf one.
Systems Automation
Manual processes are the biggest time wasters in any company, whether it is customer service, order fulfillment, technical support or any other function. Take for instance the example of an order for a new product or spare part. The employee may have to assess the shipping costs based on weight and/or dimensions, applicable taxes, and even custom forms if the product is being shipped internationally. And, that is often just the tip of the iceberg, because there are also insurance costs, terms of sale, government limitations/restrictions, and more.
Given this very common scenario, which most companies deal with all the time, many people would be surprised to find out that most, if not all these tasks could be automated. And a human approver could still be added to the process if deemed necessary. Think about how many other automation opportunities are there from manual processes!
This is yet another area our developers can step to help your team be more efficient.
Knowledge Management Systems
Have you ever thought about how much data is out there in your organization? Think about the information that exist in systems or documents, like product manuals, engineering drawings, mean time between failure data, error codes and so much more. Then you have the knowledge from subject matter experts (SMEs), customer feedback from surveys, and so on. The amount of data can truly be overwhelming! Now, think about how hard it can be for front line employees to find the very best answers to customer questions.
This is where AI-powered knowledge management systems shine. They can bring data from multiple sources, learn what's the best data over time, and empower your teams to find the best answer in record time.
ServiceWise Solutions can help you integrate an existing, AI-powered off-the-shelf solution or develop a custom one.